Friday, June 20, 2008

I sometimes feel like I'm Holden Caulfield, sometimes Jack Keroac

Music. Definitely a huge part of who I am. No matter what mood i'm in I always want music, depressing songs when im upset, really upbeat get me moving if im in a good music, and sometimes just anything i can play, close my eyes and get caught up in the song.

It's very soothing, and something that I think my life would be completely different if I didn't appreciate as much. I honestly think right now what is keeping me sane through everything is the music. The past week its pretty much all i've been doing, just like the old days and its keeping me sane. That among a couple of other things i guess. There's just something about it though, that keeps me going.

Enough on my rant of music, This has definitely been a weird week. Emotions have been up and down but things are starting to balance off finally. Although Either the lack of sleep is making me get a cold, or my allergies are starting up again. Could really be either.

I've been working a lot so not much interesting going on in my life lately. I suppose though I should wrap this up considering it took me 2 days to write. Maybe ill post again later.

Superpowers - Five Iron Frenzy
Bacon bits and jalapenos on my polish hot dog.
half a pound of potato chips,
and a beef jerky log.
I press my face to the window,
a wrapper sticks to my shirt.
Eight people in a stinky van,
a couple more couldn't hurt.
Eat some food off the floor.
I've developed a taste for bread mold.
Ride aroudn in a van,
don't take a shower for six weeks and...

We've been given superpowers,
ask us for an autograph.
We sing, we dance we'll make you laugh,
don't you want to be like us?
We've been given superpowers,
ask about our rock and roll,
our hair , our clothes, hobbies, and pets.
Does he have a girlfriend yet?

Everyone in the band can't stand me,
just because I fell off the stage,
and kind of by accident,
I broke the promoters legs.
Sometimes we have a deadline for writing our songs.
Five minutes left to write this one la,la,la,la,la,la,la.
Sleep in a sleeping bag.
Every floor looks the same as last night.
You wake up, you drive, you play a show,
and then you sleep again.

I sometimes feel like I'm holden caulfield,
sometimes Jack Keroac.
I wanted to be famous,
now I want to take it back.
Don't want to rock the mic,
dont' want to meet the pope,
I just want to share with you,
how we got this peace and hope.

I once wanted to be famous,
now I want to take it back.