Wednesday, August 22, 2007

So things at home over the past week have been nothing short of horrible. My dad and I are simply just jumping down each others throats whenever something goes wrong(which is horrible i know). I try to keep calm but he just gets to me so much these days. It doesn't help that lately i've been stressed over getting a job and such. I had an interview at Zellers today which didn't go too horrible and tomorrow i've got one at Walmart. Yes thats right.. Walmart. Didn't i say i'd only try there if I got desperate? Well i'm getting quite desperate for work now. I keep trying to get jobs at places that i'm assured the job but I never seem to get it so I dunno. Hopefully one of the 2 will come up good. I really need the money right now. After this though, I honestly don't know where i'm going to apply at...

Another major bummer the past few days has been my allergies. Frig i'm typing most of this with my eyes closed cause they're REALLY itchy. My mom was going to make a doctor's appointment for me today but she forgot and now she has to wait till tomorrow.(Which kinda sucks cause I NEED to get in ASAP in case I get a job offer/cause school starts the week after next) We were supposed to go to to the pharmacy to get something but of course.. my mom forgot yet again... So i dunno.. I'll have to just sit here practically blind for the next... who knows how long....

Friday, August 17, 2007

.......and jill (whoever jill is)

"He's been blogging since november, and he's been doing it every day, so sandy and jill (whoever jill is) you're not alone."

Hmm wow. As I was going through a certain someone's old blog posts I cam across this. Who would of ever though that Jill you had know idea of would now be your girlfriend? That was back in the day where on livejournal I had the one post a day thing. It really worked too. I did it not that long ago too and it worked even better I believe. I managed to post every day the last time I did it. I really need to do that again. Maybe once I start school again i'll make another post a day thinger.

I can't believe that the summer is almost over! School starts in about 3 weeks! I'm really happy that i'm officially going to MCC now. For a while I was getting kind of scared that I wouldn't get accepted. Then i'd have no clue what I would end up doing for the next year. Now just to find a job and wait to hear back about my student loan. I hope I get as much money as it was said that I would. It would be really nice to have some "just in case" money over the year in case I don't have enough money for something. If I don't get it all, even if I get a bit of extra would be good too.

It's just really hard to believe that i'm not actually going back to the Gray this year. I loved that school to pieces. I'm really going to miss band the most though. That place wasn't like a class it was more like hang out with people and play some music. One of the better decisions of my life. That school was like a home to me and I'm sure that it's going to take a bit of adjustment to get used to college instead of high school. Nonetheless i'm still looking forward to next year.

For anyone that doesn't know(which i'm doubting that it's no one unless some random person stumbled across my blog), I started talking to Bethany last week. It's been about 6 years since I had originally talked to her. Back in grade 7 we got into a fight and her and I never recovered from it. It may have to do with the fact that she moved to Kensington but still, i'm glad to at last have her back as a friend instead of an enemy.

Things with that lovely boy of mine have been absolutely great over the past week. I don't understand where all that tension I had came from about a week ago and before. He's really awesome. I dunno if anyone else sees the same guy I do but he's really sweet and funny. I think that he really cares about me=). Well... at least i'd hope so after 4 months! Thats right, 4 months ago I was posting on here about how good of a first date and stuff I had. Can't believe it was that long ago. Now though I don't understand how I got so nervous. I'm really comfortable around him now and if I was the way I was at first(prob. for the first few weeks), then there would be some problems I think. Sandy/anyone but Vinnie maybe you may not want to read this part:

********************************************************************************** Vinnie if you're reading this, I seriously love you a lot. I'm really glad things ended up working out between us and you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. No joke or lie. I honestly can't remember the last time I was as happy as I am, even though it might seem that i'm stressed i'm still happy. I can't honestly remember the last time I looked forward so much to someone just coming over to my house for a bit to watch a movie. I can't wait to see what the next little while brings=)

And of course last but not least. Sandy. Oh Sandy. I still can't believe you left. I'm missing you already even though you've only been gone less than 48 hours. You've done so much for me over the past 6-7 months that I could never repay you for. What you've done has helped me so much too and I really want to thank you and I wish you were still here on the island and I wish you were going to be going into first year at MCC with Courtney and I. I want my dorm buddy back!!!! I love you so much girl and I can't wait till you're done in Ontario and get back here! I just can't wait. Church wont be the same without you either girl!! <3<3!!

Friday, August 3, 2007

I Miss Photoshop Sometimes...

I got bored last night and played around with the effects and stuff on these..

Then this morning i started playing around yet again with these:

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Photoshop is fun.