Wednesday, August 6, 2008


So yeah update time, even though theres not much to update... oh well.
22 days left. Yes 22 more days till Vinnie gets home.. Wish it was even sooner but its better than 75 all over again. Time's been going by quite fast since I went up to Hamilton to visit.. Been over 2 weeks already, and only another 3 more tomorrow! I'd say I just need to take it a week at a time.

So I found a torrent file for rockstar supernova, which for a second year in a row, ive missed the show quite a bit, and i've got the INXS one somewhere in my house but yeah, its going to take quite some time to download since its been 2 years but i'm sure i'll get it eventually.

Wow I feel like i've waisted my summer. It's now 1 week into august and i've barely done anything this summer. Highlights include :Going to the Matt Mays & El Torpedo/Our Lady Peace/Hinder concert with Courtney and Lindsey, Next night spending the evening with Katie and Jared, my father and his cousin's 50th b-day party, and of course going to Hamilton. That stuff plus working, is pretty much my summer in a nutshell. Even on nice sunny days i haven't been going outside getting a tan or anything, cause i've been to busy at WORK. It really sucks when that happens but oh well, might as well happen this summer just to make it seem worse. 22 more days though and i'm sure it will be better.

..... yeah sorry guys I can't even think of anything to write....


Courtney Saunders said...

For a while I didn't think that you would blog anymore.
Yeah I could def. use some higlights of my summer haha, It's been so boring and hopefully it will get nice out and we will do something.
Hey maybe exhibition?

Jill said...

Yeah, thats a good idea. I'd have to find out tomorrow when i work though through old home week. Too bad tomorrow night wasn't going to be nice because it's SO much cheaper on preview night!