Thursday, May 31, 2007


So I need to somehow find time to sleep soon. I'm losing SO much sleep that yet again i'm starting to lose my mind. Only worse this time. This time isn't so much i'm cranky, it's more i'm paranoid of like..everything.

Oh yeah still posting(I just went and washed my hair.. then realized i was in the middle of the post).
Pretty much next week wont be light either, that's going to be full of studying.
So maybe the days I don't have exams i'll sleep a little later and get a bit of a sleep. That'd be really nice to catch up even somewhat, cause I seriously hate being so tired that i'm not really myself(meaning cranky and paranoid).Plus the stress of some of my classes is starting to get to me. Anyways I think that even though I would of liked to add more positives in here, I'm too tired to like think of anything. Well except that i'm getting my dress altered tomorrow! Hehe yay!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

I love how every weekend I say i'll get sleep, but then get super busy.

Friday night - Drive-in. So obviously that was late(i didn't get home till like 2:30).
Saturday - Woke up at like 9, and was extremely cranky. Had a HUGE argument with my father and had a nice long nap. Woke up from that and went to visit my grandparents. Came home, ate supper, got a shower, then went to bed.
Today(Sunday) - Woke up at 8:30 to get ready for church, went to church, then came back here with Vinnie and we watched RENT.(by the way, what did you honestly think of that movie?), then when he left i went for another visit to my grandparents, and here i am now. I may go practice the clarinet sometime tonight before i go to bed considering its the last weekend i'll ever have it at my house=(=(.

Wow so it looks like i'm busy too till thursday this week. Tomorrow's my meeting with Ben(I'm quite excited for that), then Tuesday's the band concert, followed by youth group on Wednesday!

Thursday, May 24, 2007


I've finally talked to Ben about what's going to be probably the most important decision of my life last night. Thats right. I want to get baptized. I've been thinking about it a bit for quite a few years now, but with the last couple of months its been really on my mind. Last weekend just kind of pushed me into real certainty that this is what I really want to do. We're going to be meeting sometime after school next week, and then I guess we will go from there.
I'm quite excited about the whole thing though!

So thats the highlight of the day for me!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Afermath.

Yes, the aftermath. The aftermath of my losing even more sleep. Today i've been really, really, really, REALLY cranky. Which I obviously don't like but when I get this tired it just kinda comes out. I wish I could control it when i get that angry. As some of you *may* know, when I get mad, I get right into the argument and pretty much just look for something to argue about apparently. Mind you, if I slept a bit more, this probably wouldn't happen. Next weekend. Hopefully.
Another aftermath, I found out that i'm really kind of behind in Creative Multimedia. i'm going to have to be working pretty hard for the next few weeks so I can get everything done, and perhaps come in at lunchtime more.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Home Already!

That went way too short! Pretty sure that was like one of the best trips of my life. I've been realizing a lot this weekend, and yeah, i'm just hoping what i've realized sticks with me. I think I really needed this weekend. I wish the conference wasn't over though. Pretty sure though I want to scream it out to the world still Sandy=P

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Super Quick Post Time

Thought i'd take the last 5 minutes of class to post. I'm REALLY behind in this class.. worse than I thought i'd be. Looks like i'm going to be working my butt off the next few weeks here and maybe in computers if i can finish early. I forgot that I have projects that I didn't quite finish off. Hopefully it will only take 2 weeks to catch up so my last week can be not so stressful. (In this class at least, computers and math will be) Also on another not, anyone want to give me some help in math before my exam? Cause chances are i'll need the help.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

So I guess I should update.

Since the musical is over, I really have no excuse to not update. But i'm going to bed soon so i'll make it a quickie. Things have been better since, with me keeping busy and all, and when i'm not busy i'm too darn tired to even think. My entire life the past week was dedicated to the musical. Frig I even missed out on doing anything on saturday just to be there. I dunno what i'm going to do now with all this free time. Anyways I'm too tired to finish this.. maybe tomorrow night...maybe.

Currently Listening To: Light My Candle - RENT

Monday, May 7, 2007

I guess these days aren't exactly supposed to be super happy.

Today was pretty rough. The roughest so far for sure. Funeral home... upsetting, Funeral...upsetting... Burial... super upsetting... I think it just really hit me then. All this time i've been pretty good, but today it just hit me, that she's not going to be up there at the house anymore, not going to call anymore, or visiting at christmas. I'm going to miss her a lot. ='(

Saturday, May 5, 2007


Yesterday was a pretty hard day. For those of you who don't know(and i'm guessing thats like no one), my aunt passed away yesterday. I guess that it's only the best for her though.
Today was pretty good though. Shopping with my mom was alright, although she went too slow. Although thats not what made it pretty good. My evening with Vinnie was definitely the highlight of my night. Things just seemed to go really well with this being the first night we actually didn't have a big group with us the entire time. I'm really glad I went cause it really gave me a chance just to relax and enjoy myself. Which I really did!=). I swear he's like the best.