Thursday, May 31, 2007


So I need to somehow find time to sleep soon. I'm losing SO much sleep that yet again i'm starting to lose my mind. Only worse this time. This time isn't so much i'm cranky, it's more i'm paranoid of like..everything.

Oh yeah still posting(I just went and washed my hair.. then realized i was in the middle of the post).
Pretty much next week wont be light either, that's going to be full of studying.
So maybe the days I don't have exams i'll sleep a little later and get a bit of a sleep. That'd be really nice to catch up even somewhat, cause I seriously hate being so tired that i'm not really myself(meaning cranky and paranoid).Plus the stress of some of my classes is starting to get to me. Anyways I think that even though I would of liked to add more positives in here, I'm too tired to like think of anything. Well except that i'm getting my dress altered tomorrow! Hehe yay!

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