Thursday, June 14, 2007

Another Meme

Part 1: The Birth of You:

Were you a planned baby?: beats me

Were you the first?: nope

Who was present at your birth?: no idea, my mom?=P

Were your parents married when you were born?: yeah

What is your birthdate?: september 8th 1989

Part 2: The Family

How would you describe your family?: annoying at times

Are your parents married? yeah

Siblings or an only child?: one sister

If you have siblings are you oldest, middle, or youngest? youngest

What are your siblings names and ages?:alicia, 22

Which parent do you get along with best?: it really depends

what do you fight about?: stupid things

Do you have step parents?: nope

Part 3: The Friends

Do you have more than one best friend?: yeah

Who are your best friends?: kaytlin, katie, hilary, melanie,sandy, courtney and katie

What do you like to do when you are together?: depends on the person

Do you share the same interests?: yeah some things

Which friend can you tell anything to?: all of em

Part 4: Your Personality

How high/low is your self esteem?: uhh medium i guess

Are you an extrovert or an introvert?: both.. depends who im with

Are you happy?: right now? kinda

Do you live life to the fullest?: not enough

Part 5: Appearance

Are you comfortable with the way you look?: rarley

Do you have any piercings besides your ears?: nope, not even my ears

Describe your hair.: brown, straight most of the time

What make-up do you wear?: eyeliner, eye shadow

How do you dress?: how i want?

Part 6: The Past

Were you a strange child?: i dunno

What did you use to love that you no longer do?: certain tv shows.

Do you have the same friends?: a couple

Was there anything in your past that was traumatizing?: not really

Part 7: The Future

What is your ambition?: umm to find something that i like to do

Are you scared of growing old?: yeah

Do you want to get married?: eventually

Part 8: The Outdoors

Do you prefer indoors or outdoors?: both

What is your favorite season: summer

Do you like walking in the rain?: sometimes lol

Part 9: Food

Are you a vegentarian?: no

What is your favorite fruit?: hmm strawberries

What food makes you want to gag?: there are quite a few

What is your favorite dessert?: cheese cake

What is your favorite restaurant?: hmm i don't know

Are you a fussy eater?: sure am

Part 10: Relationships and Love

Are you single or taken?: taken

If taken who is the lucky guy/girl? Vinnie

Do you think love is the best feeling in the world?: yeah

Do you believe in love at first sight?: hmm... i'll have to go with ya

Part 11: Experiences

What was one of your greatest experiences?: New York

What was one of your worst?: haha not putting it in here

Have you ever done drugs?: nope

Have you ever thought you were going to die?: not really

Have you ever suffered from depression?: kind of....

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