Saturday, April 28, 2007

So this is what happens when I don't do anything on Saturday I guess

I end up sitting in my bathtub watching RENT. Yeah.. I go a bit crazy I think.

So Sandy i'm still really sad. I was really looking forward to go with you to school next year=(. This sucks. And its not like you're still going to be in the maritimes at least. You're going to be a 16 hour drive away! Seriously dude, im going to miss you A LOT!

Hahahaha RENT is so random "There will always be women in rubber flirting with me".
Man I love this movie. I swear, it never gets old. Although I think once it's over i'll go back to the computer out in the living room. My foots starting to hurt a bit casue i have to prop the computer up on my leg to get a slightly better connection.

So yeah next week i'm hoping will go by fast and i hope i'll be busy cause if not its going to be a super long week. At least it's only a 4 day week and after the week full of till 6 rehersals then i get a day off, rehersal saturday then another day off and we're down at the confed center. Wow it's getting close.
After that, i REALLY need to get a job. Having no money is really starting to suck. I think i have like 12 bucks in my bank account and thats it. So yeah, i'm pretty poor.

Holy wow theres like 5 or 6 weeks left of school. It's really scary. I'm excited but nervous for grad both at the same time. Prom will definitely be interesting. I'm starting to look forward to it again.

Okay so i think this post is long enough.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

So its day 12 and yeah. Every day it's harder and harder to come to school, since i know what is going to happen for sure this week. Apparently it's quite amazing that she's gone on this long without food and water, but it still doesn't make things any easier. I know its for her best cause it really wouldn't be fair for her to have to live like that, but its still not easy.

Monday, April 23, 2007

For those who actually read this..

So things this week aren't looking good. At all. For all i know, right now my aunt could of passed away.I absolutly HATE to think that it happened but its going to happen soon. It's so freaking hard to pay attention today too. I'm so not looking forward to the rest of this week. Looks like i might not be able to do much for stage crew either if i miss too much time which really sucks, but oh well. I think they still want me down there though, just in case. Which means that I can still have fun but i wont have as much pressure as before. But yeah, i'm sure those of you whom I actually talk to will hear more tonight.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I'm baaaaaaccck

So I figured i'd post before I go to bed. If I think of it tomorrow, i'll get into more detail about the trip. It was quite fun to say the least. I'm sad that its over but at the same time i'm glad i'm home cause I kinda missed a few people. It's really sad though that it was my last band trip=(. I'll miss band next year!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

So i'll see you all on Thursday. (Write me lots of random emails=P)

Monday, April 16, 2007

So I'm leaving for Cape Breton tomorrow? Yeah doesn't feel like it.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

So tomorrow should be nice and long. Apparently rehersal could go till 6, then i still have to pack. Still can't believe that trip is tuesday.

Early Post!

Decided i'd post before I leave home this time cause i'll probably be too tired to when i get home. So the movie, Disturbia was interesting. I found it scary. Then and again I found the Grudge scary but i like scary movies like that. Afterwords was a Wendys thing. The usual happened there, we picked on Sandy. Then we went to Victoria Park for no apparent reason. It was interesting though. So yeah that was my great night.
(and my mom is GOOD. I told her the movie was interesting. Right after that she says "who are you going out with?")

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Can't stay long but just thought i'd keep with my daily posting. Today was a good day for sure!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Supermodels - Kendall Payne

The summer sun has come to stay,
Bikinis, tans, outrageous legs,
They're all retarded and they all look the same,
And barbie's body is melting down,
On her face a big fat frown,
'cause Mr. Cellulite just moved into town.

Well me and B we hate supermodels,
It's not that we know anyone personally,
It's just that I'm tired of being compared.

The boys they come here,
With expectations for the summer,
And I refuse to take any part of this barbaric ritual,
'cause God has given me a mind,
That I will use from time to time,
And I got more on my head,
Than what's made by Paul Mitchell.

It's just that I'm tired of being compared

Was it worth the tears you cried...
to fit the size?

Think it over once or twice,
What lasts the longest in this life,
Character, or rock hard thighs?
And in the end do you believe,
That beauty lies in what you see?
'cause if you do, then baby
You´ve been deceived.

I love those lyrics. It's off the theme song from Popular if it's sounding familiar to anyone.

It's been quite the past 2 days..

But not bad 2 days. Good 2 days. Sometimes it is a good idea to just say how you feel about someone, cause even if you think they're going to totally reject you, sometimes its surprising that they don't! It's also funny how just one simple thing can change your life. Like if Sandy never asked me to go to youth group with her, none of this probably wouldn't of happened.

I can only imagine how much of an idiot i sound like right now, which is what i'm avoiding trying to be. So yeah I'll just..stop now haha.

ps: Yay for tomorrow! =D
pps: happy sandy?

Currently Listening To : The Logical Song - Supertramp

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Theres one thing I know I take for granted till I don't have as much anymore. Thats sleep. Staying up late at night can be fun yes, but the consequences can be bad. Real bad. I know myself I get even more stupid than usual, which is pretty bad considering i'm not exactly a genius when i'm fully awake. It could also be(and probably is) the cause to the many headaches i've been getting latley. At least there's no stage crew meeting today after school, although still have a math test tomorrow that i'm most likley going to fail if I don't study. I think i'll be doomed no matter how hard I study though.

Which brings me to my next point. This semister is over half over. 2 months from now i'll be writing 1 of 2 of my last high school exams! Now thats really scary! It's hard to believe how fast this year, especially this semister is going by! I don't want to graduate this soon! AHH

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

So um Sandy.. You're going to like.. kill me.

Long Day Wednesday

So um uh woo it's Wednesday? Yeah.. dunno if I should be happy or sad, ect. Last night was pretty much a boreface. Things have gone back to being quiet since my uncles left. Man I need sleep... But yeah one semi-good thing happened i guess. Kayla and I finally started talking again last night. Took long enough haha. Probably cause she hasn't been in school for like over 2 weeks. I'm glad though that we're able just to let things go and move on. Meagan and I managed to put our problems aside the day after too which was good. Life's just too short to stay mad at someone.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

So Here I Am In Class

And oh am I ever tired. I didn't really sleep that well last night, which is odd becuase I was back in my bed. Haha just printed my project and i hit scale to fit, but it didn't BLOODY SCALE TO FIT. Stupid printer. Oh well, its an interesting project. It was a scrapbook page wich i think i want to save and upload

so yeah. thats my project that i got a bit mad at cause i couldn't get the background to go the way i wanted it to. Oh wells. I'll maybe update again though when i get home or something since this class is almost over.

Monday, April 9, 2007


Okay so not much happened today except musical stuff and my random CD making. Yeah.. Thats it.

Currently Listening To :
All Good Things Come To An End - Nelly Furtado

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Quiz #4 and last one for the night.

1.What does your Myspace Name MEAN?

My name.

2. Elaborate on your default photo?
I don't really have one right now. I should get on that soon.

3. What's your middle name?

4. What is your current relationship status?
Single, unfortunately.

5. Honestly, does your crush like you back?
Um I don't think so? I'm assuming not though.

6. What is your current mood?

7. What do you love most?
Besides stuff to do with religion? Music

8. What makes you most happy?
Listening to songs I absolutly love, talking to my friends, and of course Youth Group.

9. Are you musically inclined?

11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day- what would you be?
hmm cat, sleep all day people leave you alone, sounds nice.

12. Ever have a near death experience?
right when i was born apparently

13.Something you do a lot?
listen to music

14. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
Will The Future Blame Us - Our Lady Peace, since i'm kind of listening to it

15. Who did you copy and paste this from?
my livejournal

16. Name someone with the same b-day as you:

17. Have you ever gotten really close to someone?
Not really

18. Have you ever sang in front of a large audience?
yeah, when i was in choir, and our christmas concerts in elementary school

20. What's the first thing you notice about the OPPOSITE sex?
If they've got a good personality

21. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Caramel Macciatio. MMMMMMMMMM Mavors.

23. Ever passed out from drinking to much?
nope, never drank to begin with

25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
hehe sometimes.

26. Do you have braces?

28. Name something funny that happened to you today?
Listening to pretty much anything that came out of my uncle's mouth, since nothing really funny happened to me

29. Do you speak any other language?
A bit of french. Not much anymore though, since i dropped out of french 2 years ago

30. What's your favorite smell?
hmm thats a toughie, I like vanilla

Quiz # 3(well it's kind of a meme)

Star All That Apply To You!

*played spin the bottle *does it count if i played it to pick what birthday presents to open first?*
toilet papered someone's house
played poker with money
*gone swimming in a white t-shirt(i had a bathing suit underneath though)
*been tickled so hard you couldn't talk
*liked someone but never told them
*went camping
had a crush on your brother's friend
*walked in the rain without an umbrella
*told a joke that nobody thought was funny
*been in a talent show
*starting laughing at a bad time
*worn something your mom didn't approve of
been to a nude beach
smoked a cigarette
smoked pot
smoked pot
drank smirnoff ice
drank jack daniels
cursed in a church *well i might of maybe by accident once but I don't remember it*
*yelled in a library
had sex in a hot tub
wanted to be a chef
been called a slut for kissing someone
*burnt yourself with a curling iron/straightener *haha just like last week*
wanted to be a police officer
dumped someone
been hit on by someone too old
made out in a car
*cried during a movie
*wanted something you couldn't have
had sex on the beach
had the drink, sex on the beach
seen someone shoplift
*hung up on someone
*yelled at your pet
bought a thong when the cashier was a guy
tried to strip when drunk
*gotten seasick
*had a stalker
played a prank on someone that had them really scared
*been embarassed by your family
*felt bad about eating meat
*protested something
*been to an island err.. i live on one
*been in love(sort of..)
*eaten just because you were bored
*looked at something everyone thought was ugly and said "aww"
made out with a stranger
*wished a part of you was different *all the time*
*asked a guy to dance
been asked out by a really hot guy
*laughed so hard you cried
gone up to a complete stranger and started talking
kicked a guy in the nuts
*thrown up in school
received an anonymous love letter
*had to wear something you hated
been to a luau
saw your ex and wanted to kick his/her ass
*cursed in front of your parents *by complete accident when i got kinda mad, and it wasn't really a curseword, just what my parents classify as a curseword*
been in a commercial on tv
*watched a movie that made you miss a guy
*been honked at by some guy when you were walking down the sidewalk *yeah people in my family, to say hi*
*won at pool
went to a party where you were the only sober one
went to a party where you were the only drunk one
*went on a diet
been lost out to sea
*been told an extremely stupid line
*played truth-or-dare
cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend
tanned topless
been attacked by seagulls
been searched at an airport
been on a plane
*thrown a shoe at someone
broke someone's heart
*sung in the shower
*bought something way too expensive
*done something really stupid that you still laugh about *haha yes, when i ran into the glass door at brenna's birthday party, when i was 11*
*been walked in on when you were dressing
run out of a movie theatre because you were too scared of the movie
been kicked out of the mall
*been mean to someone then instantly wanted to take it back *many, many times, if i am mean at all, i want to take it back like right away*
been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one
done something stupid when you were drunk
fallen off your roof
pretended you were scared so you could cuddle up to someone
had a deer jump in front of your car
threatened someone with a water gun

Can you:

*unwrap a starburst with your tongue
*sing haha not good though
*open your eyes underwater
eat whatever you want and not have to worry
ice skate
sing in front of a crowd
*be a bitch at times *unfortunatly*
do thirty pull ups
walk in really high heels
eat super spicy foods
*sleep with lights on *well, it depends*
*multi-task *sometimes*
put your foot behind your head
fall asleep easily in a car
*do the cotton eyed joe well i could, i forget now
*play DDR
*taste the difference between coke and pepsi

Currently Listening To: Montelbello Park - The Trews

Happy Easter

...Or should I say Merry Christmas? Feels more like Christmas than Easter. Stupid snow.
All I've done today sadly, is sit on here playing stupid games and talk to Sandy and Vinnie. WOW thats a lot of things i've done!=P

Saturday, April 7, 2007


Today was quite the long day.

First off, the rehersal in the morning, with everyone. It ended up to be super boring. Oh wait that wasn't the first thing. My random conversation with Sandy which lead to how plans went exactly tonight happened first. But yeah the rehersal isn't even worth talking about.

Once I got home, it was time to go see the movie. Sandy, Vinnie, Robbie and I went to see Blades of Glory, which was okay, but not as good as I thought it would be. Nor was it even half as good as Reign Over Me, which was like the most amazing thing ever.
After that we went to MCC to watch the hockey game(Yay Toronto!), and we left before it was over since its quite gross out. Sandy, Robbie and I just did that since it was snowing after the movie.

So yeah that was my day. Pretty fun, but a bit tiring.

and sandy.. I mean it haha. Tell anyone besides who I said you could and its *does the chopping off head thing with finger*. Nah, I love you=P

Friday, April 6, 2007

Quiz #2 of Longdom

1. Taken a picture naked? nope

2. Painted your room? nope

3. Kissed a member of the same sex? nope

4. Driven a car? once

5. Danced in front of your mirror? haha yep

6. Have a crush? to be honest, i'm not sure.

7. Been drunk? nope

8. Stole money from a friend? nope

9. Gotten in a car with people you just met? yeah, but people i've known for a while have been there too

10. Been in a fist fight? nope

11. Snuck out of your house? nope

12. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? many, many times

13. Been arrested? nope

14. Made out with a stranger? nope

15. Met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? depends on what met up means, like planed? yeah.

16. Left your house without telling your parents? yeah, but i left a note

17. Had a crush on your neighbor? nope

18. Ditched school to do something fun? nope, unless you count an assembly where everyone left.

19. Slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? yeah, on trips.

20. Seen someone die? nope

21. Been on a plane? nope

22. Kissed a picture? nope

23. Slept in until 3? not quite, 2:30

24. Love someone or miss someone right now? nope

25. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? yep

26. Made a snow angel? yep

27. Played dress up? nope

28. Cheated while playing a game? haha yeah, especially when I play the game Cheat! Shocker isn't it?

29. Been lonely? yeah=(

30. Fallen asleep at work/school? surprisingly nope

31. Been to a club? yep

32. Felt an earthquake? nope

33. Touched a snake? nope

34. Ran a red light? nope

35. Been suspended from school? yep for one day, and never did anything to cause it to happen again

36. Had detention? yeah, i got detention cause someone wouldn't stop talking to me, and i wasn't even saying anything back.

37. Been in a car accident? nope

38. Hated the way you look? everyday

39. Witnessed a crime? nope

40. Pole danced? haha no

41. Been lost? yeah

42. Been to the opposite side of the country? nope

43. Felt like dying? yeah, there have been times

44. Cried yourself to sleep? yeah

46. Sang karaoke? nope

47. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? yeah

48. Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? haha yeah, water.

49. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?yeah

50. Kissed in the rain? nope

51. Sang in the shower?hehe yep

52. Made love in a park? nope

53. Had a dream that you married someone? not really

54. Glued your hand to something?nope

55. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? nope, i was a smart kid!

56. Ever gone to school partially naked? nope

57. Been a cheerleader? nope

58. Sat on a roof top? nope

59. Didn't take a shower for a week? nope

60. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? nope, i get scared, but still watch em

61. Played chicken? i'm asuming no since i don't even know what it is

62. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? nope

63. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger? nope

64. Broken a bone? nope

65. Been easily amused? hahahahahahah yes all the time

66. Laugh so hard you cry? sure have

67. Mooned/flashed someone? nope, been dared to quite a few years ago, but i didn't do it

68. Cheated on a test? once and i still failed.

69. Forgotten someone's name? yeah

70. Been to a bar? nope

71. Anyone offer you a drink? nope

73. Blacked out from drinking? nope

74. Played a prank on someone? yeah

75. Gone to a late night movie? well i guess but late night movies aren't very late here

76. Gone skinny dipping in a pool? nope

77. Failed a class? nope

78. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat? nope

79. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours? nope

80. Cheated on a girl/boyfriend? nope

81. Did you celebrate the 4th of July? nope

82. Thrown strange objects? yep

83. Felt like killing someone?not really, been really angry, thats it.

84. Felt like running away? yeah

85. Ran away? nope

86. Done drugs? no, and i hope i never do

87. Had detention and not attend it? nope

89. Made a parent cry? nope

90. Cried over someone? yeah

91. Owned more than 5 sharpies? nope

92. Dated someone more than once? nope

93. Had/Have a dog? yeah!

95. Own an instrument? i don't own it but i borrow it from our school

96. Been in a band? nope, unless school band counts as band

97. Drank 25 sodas in a day?nope

99. Shot a gun? yeah, i was in cadets for a year

100. Had feelings for one of your best/good friends? yep!

Quiz #1

Supposedly if you've seen over 70 movies, you have no life. Mark the ones you've seen. There are 189 movies on this list. Put your score in header and repost:

[ ]Rocky Horror Picture Show
[x]Pirates of the Caribbean
[ ]Boondock Saints
[ ]The Mexican
[]Fight Club
[x]Starsky and Hutch
[x]The Neverending Story
[ ]Blazing Saddles
Total: 4

[ ]The Princess Bride
[ ]Young Frankenstien
[x]AnchorMan: The Legend of Ron Burgandy
[x]Napoleon Dynamite
[ ]Labyrinth
[x]Saw II
[ ]White Noise
[ ]White Oleander
[x]Anger Management
[x]50 First Dates
[ ]Jason X
Total: 6

[ ]Scream
[ ]Scream 2
[x]Scream 3
[x]Scary Movie
[x]Scary Movie 2
[x]Scary Movie 3
[x]American Pie
[x]American Pie 2
[x]American Wedding
Total: 7

[x]Harry Potter
[x]Harry Potter 2
[x]Harry Potter 3
[x]Harry Potter 4
[x]Resident Evil 1
[ ]Resident Evil 2
[x]The Wedding Singer
[ ]Little Black Book
[x]The Village
[ ]Donnie Darko
[x]Lilo & Stitch
[x]Lilo & Stitch 2
Total: 9

[x]Finding Nemo
[ ]Finding Neverland
[x]The Grinch (Jim Carrey)
[ ]Texas Chainsaw Massacre
[x]White Chicks
[ ]Butterfly Effect
[ ]I, Robot
Total: 4

[x]Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
[ ]Universal Soldier
[x]A Series Of Unfortunate Events
[x]Along Came Polly
[ ]Deep Impact
[ ]KingPin
[x]Never Been Kissed
[x]Meet The Parents
[x]Meet the Fockers
[ ]Eight Crazy Nights
[x]Joe Dirt...
Total: 7

[ ]A Cinderella Story.
[x]the Terminal
[x]the Lizzie McGuire Movie
[x]Passport to Paris
[x]Dumb & Dumber
[x]Dumb & Dumberer
[x]Final Destination..
[x]Final Destination 2
[ ]Final Destination 3
[x]The Ring
[ ]The Ring 2
Total: 9

[x]Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle
[ ]Practical Magic
[ ]Chicago
[ ]Ghost Ship
[ ]From Hell
[ ]Hellboy
[x]Secret Window
[ ]I Am Sam...
[ ]The Whole Nine Yards
Total: 2

[x]The Day After Tomorrow
[ ]Child's Play
[ ]Bride of Chucky
[x]Ten Things I Hate About You
[x]Just Married
[ ]Gothika
[ ]Nightmare on Elm Street
[ ]Sixteen Candles
[x]Remember the Titans
[x]Coach Carter
[ ]Bad Boys
Total: 5

[ ]Bad Boys 2
[ ]Joy Ride
[ ]Se7en
[x]Ocean's Eleven
[ ]Ocean's Twelve
[ ]Identity
[ ]Lone Star
[ ]Predator I
[ ]Predator II
Total: 3

[x]Independence Day
[ ]Cujo
[ ]A Bronx Tale
[ ]Darkness Falls
[ ]Christine
[ ]Children of the Corn
[ ]My Boss' daughter
[x]Maid in Manhattan
[ ]Frailty
Total: 3

[ ]Best Bet
[x]How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
[ ]She's All That
[ ]Calendar Girls
[ ]Sideways
[ ]Mars Attacks
[ ]Event Horizon
[x]Ever After
[x]Forrest Gump
[ ]Big Trouble in Little China
Total: 3

[ ]X-men
[ ]X-men 2
[x]Spider-Man 2
[ ]Sky High
[x]Jeepers Creepers
[ ]Jeepers Creepers 2
[x]Catch Me If You Can
[x]The Others
[x]Freaky Friday
[ ]Reign of Fire
[ ]Cruel Intentions
[ ]Cruel Intentions 2
[x]The Hot Chick
Total: 7

[ ]Swimfan
[ ]Miracle
[x]Old School
[ ]The Notebook
[ ]K-Pax
[x]Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
[x]Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
[x]Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
[x]A Walk to Remember
[ ]Boogeyman
Total: 5

[ ]Hitch
[ ]The Fifth Element
[x]Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace(this one and next not really by choice)
[x]Star Wars Episode II Attack of The Clones
[ ]Star Wars Episode III Revenge of The Sith
[ ]Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope
[ ]star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back
[ ]Star Wars Episode VI Return of The Jedi
[ ]Troop Beverly Hills
[ ]Swimming with Sharks
Total: 2

[ ]Air Force One
[ ]For Richer or Poorer
[ ]Trainspotting
[ ]People Under the Stairs
[ ]Blue Velvet
[x]Sound of Music
[ ]Parent Trap
[x]Parent Trap Re-make
[ ]The Birds
[ ]The Terminator
[ ]Terminator-2
[ ]T-3
Total: 2

[ ]Empire Records...
[ ]SLC Punk..
[ ]Meet Joe Black
[ ]Nightmare Before Christmas
[ ]The Silence of the Lambs
[ ]Sleepy Hollow
[ ]I Heart Huckabees
[ ]24 Hour Party People
[ ]Blood In Blood Out
Total: 0

[ ]Manic
[ ]American History X
[ ]Deep Blue Sea...
[x]George of the Jungle
[ ]Canadian Bacon
[ ]Big Black Titties
[ ]How High
[ ]The Jackel
[ ]My Little Ponys Grand Adventure 2
Total: 2

Grand total: 81

So apparently I have no life.

I Must Be Sick Or Something...

Man Sandy, I'm so good to you.. You know that right? I don't even have anything to really update about, but here I am, typing away.
Last night i decided that i'd go through every cd I owned and add all the songs to my mp3 player. I have way too many cds I think. It took me most of the night but I was extremely bored. I really had nothing better to do. At all. How sad.
Anyways, so tomorrow's stuff for the musical. I dunno how fun that'll be, but it should be interesting nonetheless. Hope I don't get yelled at much.
So yeah. Thats like it. Maybe i'll post one of those quiz thingers later or something.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Just for you Sandy haha

Seeing as you're like the only person ever to read this(and probably will be the only one) I'd figure i'd update for you!... yes you better love me for this one haha. So yeah hmm where to start off. Well i didn't get to school until the afternoon on Monday. Roger proceeded to get mad at me cause i'm sick.(Which i'm sure he wasn't mad he was just joking around, although I do tend to get sick a lot, and i TRIED going to school at least for the afternoon, when I have his class). Then the first stage crew meeting was after school. It was kinda boring since it was an observation day, and it took FOREVER to get through the scene(an hour and a half or more to be exact). After that, my mom and I went to Walmart since she didn't know what to get me for easter. Sadly it took me almost an hour to figure out something that was about 25 bucks.

So Tuesday, I was home sick the entire day. Thats about it. Watched movies, slept, ect.

Yesterday was quite a long day. I had band in the morning, so I was at school around 7:45, which is nothing abnormal. Obviously after that was class, when i proceeded to try to somewhat catch up on some work that i'm falling behind in. Lunch time comes around, and I go to the band room to *try* to find out how much money i've fundraised for myself. Rog sees me and says "What did I tell you about being sick". It was kinda funny so yeah. Band class comes by and I finally find out that for the trip, it's only going to cost me about 12 bucks!! Mind you, it's only to Cape Breton, which might as well be Charlottetown compared to last year's trip to New York!(I swear, i'm going to get back there some day) Still though, It should be fun.
After school was another rehearsal for the musical in which I now have to attend all of them for stage crew, but it was more amusing to watch this time around. After that was supper and cake since it was my dads birthday(one year away from the big 50!). Then Youth Group, which never seems to suck. It's one of those things I just look forward to starting when I get home that night for the next week. Then sandy and I's random ride and Tim Hortons trip. Now that was fun haha. Us singing in the car, almost getting lost(yeah, we still got out..) and just having a great time. We seriously need to do that again dude.