Friday, April 6, 2007

I Must Be Sick Or Something...

Man Sandy, I'm so good to you.. You know that right? I don't even have anything to really update about, but here I am, typing away.
Last night i decided that i'd go through every cd I owned and add all the songs to my mp3 player. I have way too many cds I think. It took me most of the night but I was extremely bored. I really had nothing better to do. At all. How sad.
Anyways, so tomorrow's stuff for the musical. I dunno how fun that'll be, but it should be interesting nonetheless. Hope I don't get yelled at much.
So yeah. Thats like it. Maybe i'll post one of those quiz thingers later or something.


sandy said...

you ARE good to me.

thank you.


Jill said...

Hehe I am. You BETTER love me too=P

sandy said...

of course :D