Saturday, April 28, 2007

So this is what happens when I don't do anything on Saturday I guess

I end up sitting in my bathtub watching RENT. Yeah.. I go a bit crazy I think.

So Sandy i'm still really sad. I was really looking forward to go with you to school next year=(. This sucks. And its not like you're still going to be in the maritimes at least. You're going to be a 16 hour drive away! Seriously dude, im going to miss you A LOT!

Hahahaha RENT is so random "There will always be women in rubber flirting with me".
Man I love this movie. I swear, it never gets old. Although I think once it's over i'll go back to the computer out in the living room. My foots starting to hurt a bit casue i have to prop the computer up on my leg to get a slightly better connection.

So yeah next week i'm hoping will go by fast and i hope i'll be busy cause if not its going to be a super long week. At least it's only a 4 day week and after the week full of till 6 rehersals then i get a day off, rehersal saturday then another day off and we're down at the confed center. Wow it's getting close.
After that, i REALLY need to get a job. Having no money is really starting to suck. I think i have like 12 bucks in my bank account and thats it. So yeah, i'm pretty poor.

Holy wow theres like 5 or 6 weeks left of school. It's really scary. I'm excited but nervous for grad both at the same time. Prom will definitely be interesting. I'm starting to look forward to it again.

Okay so i think this post is long enough.


sandy said...

I love that first song in Rent at the very beginning. It's the song we can both sing along to, although you do a much better job!

Next week WILL go by fast. You should put in your application to work at Walmart haha. Just Us Girls downtown is hiring, as well as the Tim Hortons (the one by the mall). They wouldn't be bad places to work and plus you get discounts haha.

And *hugs* it sucks that I won't make it to school next year but I'm sure you'll have a blast! And plus if you come visit you'll have a free place to crash and hopefully I have a car and you know what that means! lol

5 or 6 weeks?! Eek! And you of all people should be looking forward to prom!! You've got a nice dinner, sweet date, amazing dance, topped off with what should be a glorious night at the beach (did we mention multi-coloured marshmallows?)... it should at least be a night to remember! :D

(I think this comment is long enough)

Jill said...

Hehe Seasons of Love? Yeah it's amazing. I love it.

Hopefully it does. Haha well i'm still going to see if i can get on where my cousin manages=P.

*cries* it wont be AS fun though without you! Haha yeah but see, i always have a free place to crash when i go to T.O. Rick(who is staying here right now) lives there=P.

Haha oh i am. I do have a sweet date too thanks. A very sweet one. I'm really lucky to have that date too=). Haha marshmallows? thats so random=P It should be for sure!