Saturday, May 5, 2007


Yesterday was a pretty hard day. For those of you who don't know(and i'm guessing thats like no one), my aunt passed away yesterday. I guess that it's only the best for her though.
Today was pretty good though. Shopping with my mom was alright, although she went too slow. Although thats not what made it pretty good. My evening with Vinnie was definitely the highlight of my night. Things just seemed to go really well with this being the first night we actually didn't have a big group with us the entire time. I'm really glad I went cause it really gave me a chance just to relax and enjoy myself. Which I really did!=). I swear he's like the best.


sandy said...

i can't believe you guys went to a movie and didn't even think to invite me! it's like you guys want to hang out by yourselves or something... jerks!

haha i'm only joking. glad to hear about your good day! hope you keep updating this blog so you can fill everyone in on the details haha

anyways i gave you a nice long comment so you better be happy lol


Vinnie said...

lol. well next time you can come along sandy, but you've got to sit in front of us so we can throw popcorn in your hair, ok? Sounds great!

btw, we're all praying for you guys with what's going on with your Aunt.

Jill said...

So I figured maybe I should reply to both of your comments.

Haha, and I thought you said it was GOOD that we went by ourselves for ONCE.=P. Haha, once things settle down i'll try to update more often.

I is happy=).

Haha aww Maybe we should be a *tad* nicer and just blow on her hair? Cause popcorn's kinda gross in a girls hair haha.

Thanks, it means a lot.=)