Friday, April 13, 2007

It's been quite the past 2 days..

But not bad 2 days. Good 2 days. Sometimes it is a good idea to just say how you feel about someone, cause even if you think they're going to totally reject you, sometimes its surprising that they don't! It's also funny how just one simple thing can change your life. Like if Sandy never asked me to go to youth group with her, none of this probably wouldn't of happened.

I can only imagine how much of an idiot i sound like right now, which is what i'm avoiding trying to be. So yeah I'll just..stop now haha.

ps: Yay for tomorrow! =D
pps: happy sandy?

Currently Listening To : The Logical Song - Supertramp


sandy said...

your smiley face looks like it has a unibrow


Jill said...

Hahaha yeah have a unibrow! haha yeah i know yeah don't=P.

sandy said...

what do you mean i don't?

Jill said...

Haha oh you DO have one? Haha.